FEBRUARY 23, 2013

Our new outpatient clinic, the Gatineau Health Center, is being dedicated at a ceremony in Haiti on February 23, 2013 at 9:00 AM.  Several of the board members of Friends for Health in Haiti will be attending, as well as members of supporting churches in the US and hundreds of our patients.  They will join with us as we dedicate the building to the work of the Lord, thank the numerous individuals who assisted in the construction process, and show local business owners, government officials and community members the beautiful building they will soon call “our clinic”.  There is still some work to be done for it to be fully functional, but we’re thrilled just to have the building standing.

Join your thoughts and prayers with ours in praise and celebration on February 23rd!  Thanks to all of you who have made this day possible.

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  1. Jeanine Heuer on February 14, 2013 at 2:03 pm

    This is a long time in the making, but God is so faithful! Wish Dale and I could be there too. We praise God with you and give him thanks for all that he has done and will do in the future! Katie, know that our thought and prayers are with you!

  2. Catherine Wolf on February 16, 2013 at 8:51 am

    Thanks Jeanine. Wish you guys could be here too. You were very instrumental in making this happen!

  3. Lynn Connolly on February 23, 2013 at 11:10 am

    Congratulation to Katie and all involved in getting the new clinic built! Blessings on your work. Lynn (Gesu Parish, Milwaukee)