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Another Update

News continues to pour in regarding the devastating earthquake in Haiti. I’ve spent the past three days on the computer, the telephone and in front of the news channels on TV. In spite of this, there is much we still do not know and friends in Port-au-Prince we have not yet heard from. Here is our latest news:

1. A few buildings have been damaged in Jeremie and we do not know the status of our clinic up in the mountains. We expect that it is still standing, but haven’t had any direct news.

2. Cherlie’s house in Port-au-Prince has had some damage, but the extent is uncertain (it’s supposedly “cracked”). Our greatest concern is that two brothers and their female cousin who had just moved into the house haven’t been heard from since the earthquake. They were apparently in downtown Port-au-Prince when the quake occurred. Please pray for their safety.

3. There is no transportation at this time between Port-au-Prince and Jérémie, by land, air or sea, so we are unable to return to our home and work out there.

4. We are in the process of investigating work with one of the relief agencies or groups working in the Port-au-Prince area. This is turning out to be easier said than done, since many of them have their own staff already mobilized and are unable to add additional members to the team. What is most needed right now are general and orthopedic surgeons, since most people are suffering from traumatic injuries. I’ll keep you updated with regard to our part in this massive relief process.

5. I’ve heard that there continue to be aftershocks, even this far out from the main earthquake. For this reason, most people in the affected areas are still sleeping outside. Pray that damage from these aftershocks will be minimal and that people will remain safe in their makeshift shelters.

6. As you can imagine, it will be important to begin the rebuilding process in Haiti very quickly, so that people who are without homes, businesses and livelihoods will not be overwhelmed with despair. Without crucial supply links, it will be a challenge for us to continue to offer medical care to those in the mountains around Jeremie. Pray for wisdom as we decide how to use our precious resources.

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